Sometimes my mom jumps right to the point and will skip her wisdom-by-email with direct phone calls that goes something like the conversation below. This call came after she found out through my father who saw a Facebook update from me that I'd posted about being sick.
Mom: "Go buy onions and put them all over your house!"
Me: "??" (I make sounds of confusion)
Mom "I was talking to so-and-so (usually Auntie something or other, or a friend of an friend, or a new person at church, or a neighbor from the building next door, but someone generally deemed reliable through their affiliation with someone mom knows) and she says since she's put onions all around her house, she hasn't contracted the cold since."
Me: ""
Mom: "Something about something that the onion releases into the air..."
I am dubious, but two follow-up phone calls later where mom asks specifically about the onions, I pick up 3 not-so-cheerful-looking yellow onions on sale at 99 Ranch Supermarket for a measly 18 cents a pound, and upon returning home, place two on BF's side of the bed when he stays over (because he gets sick more often than I do, although to-date they appear to do nothing for general allergies and sinus problems), and place the third on my side of the bed.
I tell BF about the story, and he suggested I start a blog, like normal people do when their moms call them to talk about produce and their disease-battling properties.
I am eagerly looking forward to a cold-free winter season. And beyond. I don't foresee the supermarket running out of cheap onions anytime soon.
Photographic proof of two onions sitting happily on the nightstand:
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